Sunday, December 14, 2008

The little girl, her Dad and an Airplane

The other day I needed to get out of the office and just go for a drive and chill out for a little while. I was cruising around Hot Springs listening to some Hillsong United worship music and just seeking God. God spoke to my stomach and said you're hungry get something to eat. So being obedient I cruised around looking for the right thing to eat on. I ended up at KFC and ordered a Grilled Wrap or something like it, a Chicken strip in a tortilla then pressed in a pannini grill. I went thru the drive thru and just decided to eat in the car.

I bounced across the street to park and eat in front of Family Christian Store, I have been needing a new worship CD to listen to but I haven't found the right one. If you know of anything that is touching your heart and soul in a fresh and powerful way -feel free to share it with me.

Anyway, as I was sitting there eating my wrap, a young man came out of Family Christian smiling having a great time. He was also carrying what I assumed to be his daughter. She must have only been 2 or 3 years old. She was just beautiful. Has I was eating and watching this moment take place in all our lives. The dad smiling from ear to ear carrying his daughter on his hip, pointed to the sky to introduce her to an airplane that just flew over us. The young girl smiled and waved like it was the neatest thing see had ever seen. I wonder how many times they have gone thru this same routine with an airplane in the sky.

This spoke to my heart in a way that was fresh, it was reminding me how a baby can put a smile on any ones face at any given moment. It was really awesome to see such joy on the dad and little girls faces. Now I know things can get out of hand really quick with a new baby but for this moment......all things were perfect.

It made me think of another baby that came into this world in a very rough and lonely way. As we celebrate this Christmas season, I think of the baby Jesus who was born to have all the worlds sins cast upon his little body. Even though He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, He left Heaven to come to earth to be born in a horse and cattle stall. It probably was not the nicest of place for the one that was on his throne sitting next to the God that created all things. You would think He would have made a more grandiose entrance. From what I understand He (Jesus) is saving that arrival for another day.

So when you see that little baby in a crib, booster seat or stroller this season or even a young child on the hip of a parent; remember that the Savior came as a child and died a man on the cross for all our sins and transgressions for me and you.

I hope a smile is on your face I you read this, think about when you were a kid, or when your kids were just babies. The King of Kings came as a child for us in the lowest of low places but will return one day to make Heaven on earth a reality.

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So it's what?

The election has come and gone, now is the time to move forward as a country. We all have things we disagree with, don't believe in and somethings we could care less about. The one thing that really makes me stop and wonder, is the election is over and there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. Let us all now unite behind the newly elected President and pray for him, hold him accountable for when we disagree and congratulate him, when a good decision is made. President Obama, that is still very weird. I will commit myself to support our President because in doing so we support our country.

I am sick and tired of people unhappy with America, we are a blessed nation and with that comes people wanting to tear us apart. If you don't like our policies, beliefs, history and traditions......then leave.

We have seen the voice of the population speak and we should accept the decision in all issues that were on the ballot. In California they voted to ban same sex marriage...the people voted and they don't want it. Here in Arkansas, the people voted to have a lottery.....I may not want it but the people voted and now we must move on. Come on there are bigger things to worry about.....people need to get back to work and work hard, provide for their families and support the community in which they live. If you lose your job, go find another one. This is America and we have so many opportunities. It might not be what you are looking for but get a job, make some money and keep looking for the place God wants you to excel.

God is in control of all things and we should seek him in the good times and bad. Things are still looking bright for all of us. Keep looking up and try not to get caught up in the things and people that want to keep you defeated. God created you better than that. He loves you and wants you to have life and have it more abundantly.

Monday, October 6, 2008

State of the Union

As I write this blog, sorry for the delay in writing lately, many things have been on my mind but today, I want to talk about the state of the union. The union is the United States and our place in the world. America the beautiful, has been caught up in the gluttony of greed, pride, many sins of the flesh and eye. I have been one of those people caught up in this desire to try find things to fill a void in my life. Many of us Americans have been chasing things that once we find it or do it or achieve it, something is still missing. We have tried to achieve material wealth, financial security, personal pleasure and many are still void of satisfaction. In the current political race for President, we find ourselves searching for that leader that will make us the beautiful country that was so admired by many in years past. Currently we have foreign leaders on our homeland stating we are no longer a player in the financial world, we are no longer the military force to fear in the world. Whether or not this is true, I believe we are still the greatest nation in the world but perception is reality. ( We need a marketing makeover )We are perceived in the world as becoming weaker and losing our luster. God help us, find the place to be united once again. In war you want to divide, separate and then conquer your enemy. We can see the change in people's thoughts and processes as we are starting to separate and divide from within our own borders.

My heart breaks at the position we find ourselves in as a country and pray that we can reach a solution. Everything has a life cycle, God created it that way. I pray that we are not seeing the shift in power leaving the United States because we have left the principles God founded this country on, our founding Fathers were very wise men, they left England to have the freedom to worship God without being forced to join the state Church of England. The United States know has become the melting pot for religious freedom to the point that Christianity and the history of our blessings as been watered down to the point of being irrelevant in many people's life.

I would encourage you to find out the truth to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is stated in our constitution. We have left our first love and we are now in an very delicate position in history.

So, we are still very blessed compared to other nations in the world but we have moved along way from what America was created to be and do in this world. We need not panic but come back to our first love, the love of God, who created us to worship Him and connect with the Savior that died for us and rose again - Jesus Christ. Put your hope, trust and future in the one who controls all things. I have and feel very strong that everything will be OK.

Who are you going to put your trust in - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or the government that passes out our hard earned tax dollars like it is candy at a parade.

I trust the one that established government.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Break of Dawn

You might not know but we have 5 dogs in our family. Yes, when I say family, they are all inside dogs and they hang out with us, even sleep with us. Needless to say I think they rule the roost or they call the shots.

It seems like around 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning they have to go outside to the bathroom. Our backyard is awesome at night, the position of the stars in the sky will suck you into the heavens. As the morning comes, the dogs usually get moving around about 6:00, and that is what I want to talk about today.

Around 6:00 is the Break of Dawn, and when I let the dogs out again it is a beautiful blend of night and day. When you walk outside my back door we have an in-ground pool and it is landscaped like a resort pool, but that just gives us a place to relax and start. We also have a pasture (not ours - our neighbors) of about 16 acres that is surrounded by trees which is the home to many birds and even a few deer.Our property is elevated a little so we can see for quite a distance.

This week, the blend of the moon still in the sky, the sunrise coming up over the pasture, the cool crisp air and the fog that is nestled just a few feet off the ground has given me a chance to reflect on the greatness of God and the true beauty of His creation. Yes, creation we have not evolved from a tadpole, we and everything on earth was created like a masterpiece painting by the one who is above all else. God's signature is all over the place, especially the "Break of Dawn", I have enjoyed gazing into the Artist's work this past week. He even created a symphony to go along with it, as the birds and all creatures come to life each day it is a beautiful thing to experience.

So, I would like to encourage you to look for the masterpiece entitled "Break of Dawn" in a backyard close to you. It is a life changing work of art by an artist many have heard of but few know and love.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Life's Comfort Foods

I thought I might lighten the discussion today. We all live very busy and time depraved lives these days. There are days where our schedules just do not alow for a good meal at home or we get home late and just do not feel like cooking, so what is your food of choice when things are limited due to time, schedules or just exhaustion?

One of my comfort foods are a couple of Peanut Butter ( Jiff or Skippy - Creamy ) and Jelly ( Welch's Grape Jelly ) sandwiches and a big glass of cold Milk. I have been eating these things as long as I can remember. Just ask my Mom, Paula or Andrew.

When I am really tired and do not feel like a PB & J, I go for a big bowl ( not a regular bowl ) but a big bowl of Wheaties. Maybe I still dream about being an Olympic or Sports Champion and being on the box one day. I still want to make a difference in people's lives, maybe it started as a kid - to be the guy that people look up to, respect and want to be like.

OK. let's get down to the real deal and cut through all the hype......we all like ice cream, you know you do, it might be you haven't enjoyed a good ice cream in awhile but think about it. When you were younger, did you get a treat every now and then of ice cream? It could have been the Ice Cream man that came around the neighborhood or going to the Ice Cream Parlor or Dairy Queen. We all should have a fond memory of ice cream.

I have found that - Blue Bunny Cookies and Cream really satisfies me at this stage in life. Just between you and me, it is usually after 8:30pm at night.

Life is short, enjoy it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Over the past few hours since I first blogged, (I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts) I have been thinking about slavery. Slavery not the way we probably first imagine it, but slavery in today's time and our generation. What are you enslaved too? Could it be your job, your house, cars, boats.......the debt you have built up over your lifetime. Could it be you are bound up by the thought that you are never pretty enough, your self esteem is low; you are enslaved by doubt and lack of confidence. It could be your weight, which goes hand in hand with the lack of self confidence. What is holding you back from being all that God wants you to be?

Are you a slave to the computer? ( Ouch that hurt, didn't it....) Do you spend every waking hour in slavery to the Internet and what it has in store for you. Slavery is being controlled by something or someone that has dominion over your life. In the Bible, it could also be said that it is an idol, God's commandments state: You should have no other God's (idols, masters, dominion) above Me. Have you gotten off track with God's perfect will for your life? Think about this - What would you do if time and money were not a problem? What would you do if you only had 30 days to live? How and what would you change in your daily routine?

I know I have many times in my life and I have to regroup and get back focused on what is truly important. You might be enslaved to alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, over-eating, or even just being lazy. I would encourage you to break free from the chains that enslave you. Make the decision today to start fresh, today is the first day of the rest of your life. It is bright, beautiful and the world is your playground.

Go swing on a swing, rock on a teeter-totter, talk a walk, hold hands, fly a kite, ride a bike........look for the birds, squirrels and the little things that are so important in God's creation. These things seem to get lost in the speed our lives are travelling these days. It is never too late to begin again.

So, shut the computer down, if you have a convertible take the top down, sun roof - slide it back and turn up the ipod or radio - let the wind blow thru your hair and the sounds of U2 "Beautiful Day" penetrate your soul.

Hope and freedom is found not in the things of this world, the bible says you must be in the world but not of the world. I believe the starting point to break out of the things that have you enslaved; is starting or restarting a relationship with the God that created you, thru His son - Jesus. Jesus said " I come to give LIFE and give it abundantly. Are you living an abundant life currently? If the one that created you and sent his son to die for you.

I pray that today is a new beginning for you and that you have a "Beautiful Day!"

Monday, September 22, 2008


I would like to welcome you to my blog and my very first entry. Why is it that Monday's take on a totally different feeling than say a Friday or Saturday? For me maybe it is just today or it might be most Monday's it is really hard to get motivated to start back to work. Is it because I would rather be doing something else or maybe I would rather spend my time at this point in my life with the ones I just left behind this past weekend. I reflect back on what is important in my life now versus the past and I find myself, missing my beautiful wife Paula who has been by my side for over 22 years. I wonder what my son - Andrew is doing at school and ponder what the world will be like when he is in high school, when he goes to college or even when he gets married. I wonder about my Mom and Dad, how much more time will God grant me with them. I love them very much. I tell them that often but I wonder if they really know how deep it is.

I have chased after corporate dreams and political dreams, I still have them but I ponder what is my legacy going to be. I want to make a difference in people's lives. I am a very passionate person and believe we need to get back to the traditions and belief this great country was founded upon......God, Family, Country......united not divided. I wonder when the divide became so noticeable? Do you think we can ever get back to what is truly important or will they just be memories in a scrap-book or a web page.

What do you dream about? What do you cry about? Let's make a difference in the world today. Take a step towards your dream, your passion, your purpose in life.

Monday is not over yet.